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Creating and Formatting an e-Book
You’ve decided that you are going to produce an e-book. Whether you are publishing through traditional companies or self-publishing, you may need to create your e-product. Or you want to know the process of creating an e-book to have more knowledge about how your product should look. This course will cover the history of e-publishing, basics of formatting, file conversion, various publishing options, and more details of creating and selling your e-product. You will go through the steps necessary to make a Kindle product you’re your completed manuscript. Instructions for other file formats included. After completing this class, you will be ready to upload your e-book for sale. Twelve lessons. Regular price – $180 Register here.
Why Am I Doing This? Seven Steps to an Educational Philosophy
You know that you should have a written philosophy of education because it is the foundation of your homeschool. If you didn’t stay awake during Philosophy 101, you may wonder just how you write something so lofty. In this hands-on e-mail class, Susan takes you through seven steps to writing your philosophy of education. When finished you will have the backbone of your written educational beliefs. You will then be able to use it as a guide for the details of your homeschool. Eight lessons. Regular price – $100 Register here.
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