Collapse of Distinction: Stand out and move up while your competition fails
by Scott McKain
Thomas Nelson
Collapse of Distinction by Scott McKain, even sitting on the bookstore shelf, is the message. The cover stands out as distinct. It is a durable textbook-style cover that indicates the writer and publisher intend for you to use the book rather than just read, a clear distinction over many other business books.
McKain further sets this book apart by including “Executive Summary” and “Action Steps, Questions, and Ideas” at the end of each chapter. The “Executive Summary” is a complete sentence outline of the chapter, which is unique. Intended to be a quick review of the material after reading the book, they are also useful for a quick preview of each chapter as well.
“Action Steps, Questions, and Ideas” is just as the section says. Only three or four items are listed and each item is meant to help you move from “that’s a good idea” to action.
The friendly tone is like having coffee with a colleague to discuss moving your organization forward. McKain points out how distinction has been lost and how you can bring it to your business or non-profit.
Collapse of Distinction is also a NelsonFree product. This new program from Thomas Nelson gives you access to e-book and audio version. This is the second book to have this forward-thinking option.
Given the amount of usability and the e-book/audio options, Collapse of Distinction is not just a good value; it is the essence of the message.
Collapse of Distinction: Stand up and move up while your competition fails
Scott McKain
Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 978-1595551856
Out of print
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