(This is the beginning of a series about helping our loved ones and ourselves through the stresses of the holidays.)…
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Stages of Dealing: Anxiety
Many family members get stuck in the Denial Stage, never moving on to really dealing with the mental illness of…
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Stages of Dealing: Denial
I had never heard of Borderline Personality Disorder when my son was first diagnosed. My first reaction was to find…
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Stages of Dealing: Transition
The day my son called and told me about his attempted suicide, followed by telling me that he had been diagnosed with a mental illness, I tried to maintain a “sunny attitude.” Part of the charade was so he wouldn’t get angry and hang up. And, part was due to not knowing what else to do. It was three days before I cried.
Coping with the Holidays
Holidays are hard. Crowded schedules, family expectations, self expectations, and physical and emotional drain. For our loved ones who suffer…
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Book Review – Through the Storm
For readers looking for a sensational tell-all, Lynne Spears’ Through the Storm, will be disappointing. I, too, was disappointed, but…
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